Implementing the Copy Constructor - C++ Class

C++ examples for Class:Constructor


The copy constructor must accept an argument of the same class type and create a duplicate for the class.

A copy constructor should be defined with a const reference parameter, so for the Pool class it looks like this:

class Pool
  double length {1.0};
  double width {1.0};
  double height {1.0};
  // Constructors
  Pool(double lv, double wv, double hv);
  Pool(const Pool& pool);
  Pool(double side);                         // Constructor for a cube
  Pool() {}                                  // No-arg constructor
  double volume();                          // Function to calculate the volume of a pool
Pool::Pool(const Pool& pool) : length {pool.length}, width {pool.width}, height {pool.height} {}

The form of the copy constructor is the same for any class:

Type::Type(const Type& object)
  // Code to duplicate of object...

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