Cpp - Write program to create function swap() that uses references instead of pointers.


Write program to create function swap() that uses references instead of pointers.


// swap.cpp 
// Definition and call of the function swap(). 
// 1. version: parameters with pointer type, 
// 2. version: parameters with reference type. 
#include <iostream> 
using namespace std; 

void swap( float*, float*);      // Prototypes of swap() 
void swap( float&, float&); 

int main() // w ww.  ja v a 2s  .c  o  m
    float x = 11.1F; 
    float y = 22.2F; 

    cout << "x and y before swapping:   " 
          << x << "   " << y << endl; 

    swap( &x, &y);           // Call pointer version. 

    cout << "x and y after 1. swapping: " 
          << x << "   " << y << endl; 

    swap( x, y);             // Call reference version. 

    cout << "x and y after 2. swapping: " 
          << x << "   " << y << endl; 

    return 0; 

void swap(float *p1, float *p2)     // Pointer version 
   float temp;                       // Temporary variable 

    temp = *p1;                      // Above call points p1 
    *p1  = *p2;                      // to x and p2 to y. 
    *p2  = temp; 

void swap(float& a, float& b)     // Reference version 
  float temp;                     // Temporary variable 

  temp = a;                       // For above call 
  a    = b;                // a equals x and b equals y 
  b    = temp; 


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