struct tm - C time.h

C examples for time.h:struct tm






Time structure

Structure containing a calendar date and time broken down into its components.

The structure contains nine members of type int, which are:

tm_secintseconds after the minute0-60
tm_minintminutes after the hour0-59
tm_hourinthours since midnight0-23
tm_mdayintday of the month1-31
tm_monintmonths since January0-11
tm_yearintyears since 1900
tm_wdayintdays since Sunday0-6
tm_ydayintdays since January 10-365
tm_isdstintDaylight Saving Time flag N/A

The Daylight Saving Time flag tm_isdst may have the following value

Parameter Description
>0 if Daylight Saving Time is in effect,
0 if Daylight Saving Time is not in effect,
<0 if the information is not available.

tm_sec is generally 0-59. The extra range is to accommodate for leap seconds in certain systems.

Demo Code

#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>

int main ()//from  www  . j av a 2s.  c  om
  time_t timer;
  struct tm year2020 = {0};
  double seconds;

  year2020.tm_hour = 0;   
  year2020.tm_min = 0; 
  year2020.tm_sec = 0;
  year2020.tm_year = 120; 
  year2020.tm_mon = 0; 
  year2020.tm_mday = 1;

  time(&timer);  /* get current time; same as: timer = time(NULL) */

  seconds = difftime(timer,mktime(&year2020));

  printf ("%.f seconds since January 1, 2000 in the current timezone", seconds);

  return 0;

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