Create structures that contain other structures. - C Structure

C examples for Structure:Structure Definition


Create structures that contain other structures.

Demo Code

#include <stdio.h>

int length, width;
long area;/*from   w w  w. ja v  a  2s  . com*/

struct coord{
    int x;
    int y;

struct rectangle{
    struct coord topleft;
    struct coord bottomrt;
} mybox;

int main( void ){

    printf("\nEnter the top left x coordinate: ");
    scanf("%d", &mybox.topleft.x);

    printf("\nEnter the top left y coordinate: ");
    scanf("%d", &mybox.topleft.y);

    printf("\nEnter the bottom right x coordinate: ");
    scanf("%d", &mybox.bottomrt.x);

    printf("\nEnter the bottom right y coordinate: ");
    scanf("%d", &mybox.bottomrt.y);

    width = mybox.bottomrt.x - mybox.topleft.x;
    length = mybox.bottomrt.y - mybox.topleft.y;

    area = width * length;
    printf("\nThe area is %ld units.\n", area);

    return 0;


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