Searching for a single character with strchr(). - C String

C examples for String:String Function


Searching for a single character with strchr().

Demo Code

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main( void )
    char *loc, buf[80];
    int ch;//ww  w  .  ja v a  2  s.  c om

    /* Input the string and the character. */

    printf("Enter the string to be searched: ");
    printf("Enter the character to search for: ");
    ch = getchar();

    /* Perform the search. */

    loc = strchr(buf, ch);

    if ( loc == NULL )
        printf("The character %c was not found.", ch);
        printf("The character %c was found at position %d.\n", ch, loc-buf);
    return 0;


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