While loops check the test condition at the top of the loop - C Statement

C examples for Statement:while


The body of the loop will not execute if the condition is false.

The following pad() function adds spaces to the end of a string to fill the string to a predefined length.

If the string is already at the desired length, no spaces are added.

Demo Code

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

void pad(char *s, int length);

int main(void)

   char str[80];//  www  .  j a  va 2 s.  c om

   strcpy(str, "this is a test");
   pad(str, 40);
   printf("%d", strlen(str));

   return 0;

/* Add spaces to the end of a string. */
void pad(char *s, int length)
   int l;

   l = strlen(s); /* find out how long it is */

   while (l < length) {

      s[l] = ' '; /* insert a space */
   s[l] = '\0'; /* strings need to be terminated in a null */


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