Reads the magnitude and angle (in degrees) of a vector and then displays the x and y components. - C Preprocessor

C examples for Preprocessor:Macro


Reads the magnitude and angle (in degrees) of a vector and then displays the x and y components.

Demo Code

#include <stdio.h>  
#include <math.h>  
struct polar {  //from  w w w.j  av  a 2  s . c o m
    double r;  
    double theta;   /* angle in degrees */  
struct rect {  
    double x;  
    double y;  
struct rect p_to_r(const struct polar * ppol);  
int main(void)  
    struct polar input;  
    struct rect answer;  
    printf("Enter magnitude and angle in degrees: ");  
    while (scanf("%lf %lf", &input.r, &input.theta) == 2)  
        answer = p_to_r(&input);  
        printf("polar coord: %g %f\n",input.r, input.theta);  
        printf("rectangular coord: %g %g\n",answer.x, answer.y);  
        printf("Enter magnitude and angle in degrees (q to quit): ");  
    return 0;  
struct rect p_to_r(const struct polar * ppol)  
    static const double deg_rad = 3.141592654 / 180.0;  
    struct rect res;  
    double ang = deg_rad * ppol->theta;  /* convert degrees to radians */  
    res.x = ppol->r * sin(ang);  
    res.y = ppol->r * cos(ang);  
    return res;  


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