Creating and Using Macros - C Preprocessor

C examples for Preprocessor:Macro


For example, consider the following formula that computes the area of a rectangle.

Area of a rectangle = length x width 

The following code uses macro to calculate the area of a rectangle.

Demo Code

#include <stdio.h> 

#define AREA(l,w) ( l * w ) /*from   w  w  w.ja  va  2  s.c o  m*/
int main()
   int length = 0; 
   int width = 0; 
   printf("\nEnter length: "); 
   scanf("%d", &length); 
   printf("\nEnter width: "); 
   scanf("%d", &width); 
   printf("\nArea of rectangle = %d\n", AREA(length,width)); 


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