Write a program that reads the hours worked in a week and then prints the gross pay, the taxes, and the net pay. - C Operator

C examples for Operator:Arithmetic Operator


Assume the following:

  • Basic pay rate = $10.00/hr
  • Overtime (in excess of 40 hours) = time and a half

Tax rate:

  • 15% of the first $300
  • 20% of the next $150
  • 25% of the rest

Demo Code

#include <stdio.h>  
#define BASEPAY    10       // $10 per hour  
#define BASEHRS    40       // hours at basepay  
#define OVERTIME    1.5     // 1.5 time  
#define AMT1      300       // 1st rate tier  
#define AMT2      150       // 2st rate tier  
#define RATE1       0.15    // rate for 1st tier  
#define RATE2       0.20    // rate for 2nd tier  
#define RATE3       0.25    // rate for 3rd tier  
int main(void)      
{  /*www.j ava 2  s . c o  m*/
    double hours;  
    double gross;  
    double net;  
    double taxes;  
    printf("Enter the number of hours worked for a week: ");  
    scanf("%lf", &hours);  
    if (hours <= BASEHRS)  
        gross = hours * BASEPAY;  
        gross = BASEHRS * BASEPAY + (hours - BASEHRS) * BASEPAY * OVERTIME;  
    if (gross <= AMT1)  
        taxes = gross * RATE1;  
    else if (gross <= AMT1 + AMT2)  
        taxes = AMT1 * RATE1 + (gross - AMT1) * RATE2;  
        taxes = AMT1 * RATE1 + AMT2 * RATE2 + (gross - AMT1 - AMT2) * RATE3;  
    net = gross - taxes;  
    printf("gross: $%.2f; taxes: $%.2f; net: $%.2f\n", gross, taxes, net);  
    return 0;  


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