modf - C math.h

C examples for math.h:modf






Breaks x into an integral and a fractional part.

The integer part is stored in the object pointed by intpart, and the fractional part is returned by the function.

Both parts have the same sign as x.


long double modfl (long double x, long double* intpart);
long double modf (long double x, long double* intpart);
     double modf (double x, double* intpart);
      float modff (float x      , float* intpart);
     double modf (T x          , double* intpart);       


Parameter Description
x Floating point value to break into parts.
intpart Pointer to an object where the integral part is stored with the same sign as x.

Return Value

The fractional part of x, with the same sign.


Demo Code

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

int main ()/*from  w ww . j  a  va  2 s .c o  m*/
  double param = 3.14, fractpart, intpart;

  fractpart = modf (param , &intpart);
  printf ("%f = %f + %f \n", param, intpart, fractpart);
  return 0;

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