Do calculation based on user choice - C Language Basics

C examples for Language Basics:Console


Do calculation based on user choice

Demo Code

#include <stdio.h> 
int main() { //from   w  w w  .j ava 2 s.  com
   int iSelection = 0; 
   float fTransAmount = 0.0; 
   float fBalance = 100.25; 

   printf("1\tDeposit Funds\n"); 
   printf("2\tWithdraw Funds\n"); 
   printf("Enter your selection: "); 
   scanf("%d", &iSelection); 

   if (iSelection == 1) { 
      printf("\nEnter fund amount to deposit: "); 
      scanf("%f", &fTransAmount);  
      printf("\nYour new balance is: $%.2f\n", fBalance + fTransAmount); 
   if (iSelection == 2) { 
      printf("\nEnter fund amount to withdraw: "); 
      scanf("%f", &fTransAmount); 
      if (fTransAmount > fBalance) 
         printf("\nInsufficient funds\n"); 
         printf("\nYour new balance is $%.2f\n", fBalance - fTransAmount); 

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