Asks users float, int data and prints it on screen in order to show what was entered - C Language Basics

C examples for Language Basics:Hello World


Asks users float, int data and prints it on screen in order to show what was entered

Demo Code

#include <stdio.h>
int main()//from  w w  w . j a v  a  2  s  .  c om
    char topping[24];
    int slices;
    int month, day, year;
    float cost;

    printf("How much does a pizza cost in your area?");
    printf("enter as $XX.XX)\n");
    scanf(" $%f", &cost);

    printf("What is your favorite one-word pizza topping?\n");
    scanf(" %s", topping);
    printf("How many slices of %s pizza", topping);
    printf("can you eat in one sitting?\n");
    scanf(" %d", &slices);

    printf("What is today's date (enter it in XX/XX/XX format).\n");
    scanf(" %d/%d/%d", &month, &day, &year);
    printf("\nWhy not treat yourself to dinner on %d/%d/%d", month, day, year);
    printf("\nand have %d slices of %s pizza!\n", slices, topping);
    printf("It will only cost you $%.2f!\n\n\n", cost);

    return (0);

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