Printf(), Escape Sequences, and Conversion Characters - C Data Type

C examples for Data Type:char


Printf(), Escape Sequences, and Conversion Characters

Demo Code

#include <stdio.h>
int main()//from w  w w .  ja  v  a2 m
    printf("%d\t\t$%.2f\t$%.2f\n", 3, 9.99, 29.97);
    printf("\b\b\b\b can be fixed with the ");
    printf("\\%c Escape character\n", 'b');
    printf("\n\a\n\a\n\a\n\aSkip a few lines, and beep ");
    printf("a few beeps.\n\n\n");
    printf("%s %c.", "You are kicking butt learning", 'C');
    printf("%d.\n", 4);
    printf("%.1f%c of the book.\n", 12.500, '%');
    printf("\n\nOne third equals %.2f or ", 0.333333);
    printf("%.3f or %.4f or ", 0.333333, 0.333333);
    printf("%.5f or %.6f\n\n\n", 0.333333, 0.3333333);
    return 0;


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