C Data Type float

C examples for Data Type:float


Click the following links for the tutorial for Data Type and float.

  1. Calculating the circumference and area of a circular table from an input value for its diameter.
  2. Controlling the Output Field Width
  3. Division Using Floating-Point Values
  4. Floating-Point Variable Types, its size, range of value
  5. Expressing Floating-Point Numbers with exponent format
  6. Working with Floating-Point Numbers
  7. Calculate the total revenue for the quarter and output it
  8. Calculate the money you would spend, read value from user

  9. Use math to increment your weight.
  10. Do Multiplication for your input value
  11. Read grades and then compute an average test grade
  12. Converts from Fahrenheit to Celsius.
  13. Solve the Evaluation of an expression with exponential numbers.
  14. Solve Evaluation of a polynomial.
  15. Divides two given integers, display the result with 3 decimals.
  16. Compute the Roots of Quadratic Equation

  17. Compute the Cosine Function of an angle x using the infinite series expansion.
  18. Compute the sine of an angle x using the infinite series expansion.
  19. Calculate the mathematical constant Value of Pi using Monte Carlo method
  20. Generate a Table of Future Value Interest Factors (FVIFs)
  21. Floating-Point Round-off Errors
  22. Read an amount of water, in quarts, and displays the number of water molecules in that amount.
  23. Reads in a floating-point number and prints it first in decimal-point notation, then in exponential notation, and p notation.
  24. Read string, float and int value
  25. Using data from float.h and limits, to find Some number limits for this system
  26. Read two floating-point numbers and prints the value of their difference divided by their product.
  27. Reads in a floating-point number and prints it first in decimal-point notation and then in exponential notation.
  28. Reads a floating-point number and prints in decimal-point notation, in exponential notation, and p notation.