C number literal and type suffixes - C Data Type

C examples for Data Type:Introduction


If you append F to the number literal, the number is treated as a float.

If you append L to the number literal, the number becomes a long double.

For integer types, the U suffix stands for unsigned and the L for long.

The type suffixes can be in both case, upper or lower.

For example, both F and f specify a float constant.

C99 also allows you to specify a long long integer constant by specifying the suffix LL (or 11).

Here are some examples:

Data Type                    Constant Examples
int                          1 123 21000 -234
long int                     35123L -34L
unsigned int                 10000U 987u 40000U
float                        123.23F 4.34e-3f
double                       123.23 1.0 -0.98763241
long double                  1001.2L

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