C - Operator Relational Operators


C has six relational operators that you use to compare two values.

Is the left operand less than the right operand
Is the left operand less than or equal to the right operand
Is the left operand equal to the right operand
Is the left operand not equal to the right operand
Is the left operand greater than the right operand
Is the left operand greater than or equal to the right operand
Each of these operations results in a value of type int.
The result of each operation is 1 if the comparison is true and 0 if the comparison is false.
stdbool.h header defines the symbols true and false for 1 and 0 respectively.
2 != 3 results in true.
The expressions 2 == 3 results in the value 0, which is false.

These expressions are called logical expressions or Boolean expressions.

Boolean expressions returns just one of two values: either true or false.

You can store the result in a variable of type bool. For example:

bool result = 5 < 4;                        // result will be false

You can assign the result of an arithmetic expression to a bool variable and store true if it is nonzero and false otherwise.

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