Generate a value suitable for use in setId(int). - Android User Interface

Android examples for User Interface:View Enable


Generate a value suitable for use in setId(int).

Demo Code

//package com.java2s;
import android.annotation.SuppressLint;

import android.os.Build;

import android.view.View;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

public class Main {
    private static final AtomicInteger sNextGeneratedId = new AtomicInteger(
            1);// w w w  .j av  a2 m

     * Generate a value suitable for use in setId(int).
     * This value will not collide with ID values generated at build time by aapt for
     * @return a generated ID value
    public static int generateViewId() {
        //raw implementation for < API 17
            for (;;) {
                final int result = sNextGeneratedId.get();
                // aapt-generated IDs have the high byte nonzero; clamp to the range under that.
                int newValue = result + 1;
                if (newValue > 0x00FFFFFF)
                    newValue = 1; // Roll over to 1, not 0.
                if (sNextGeneratedId.compareAndSet(result, newValue)) {
                    return result;
        } else {
            //Whatever the current implementation is otherwise
            return View.generateViewId();

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