Android Phone wifi
Android examples for Phone:wifi
Click the following links for the tutorial for Phone and wifi.
is Wifi Enabled
is Wifi Net
is Wifi Connected
is Wifi Connected Or Connecting
Get the Wifi Mac address.
get Wifi Ip Address
get Wifi Mac
get IMEI
get IMSI
get Mobile UUID
int IP To String Ip
connect Wifi Ap
is Wifi Ap Enable
set Wifi Ap Enabled
get WiFi Link Intensity
get WiFi Link Speed
get WiFi Info
get Wifi Manger
get Wifi Strength
is Current Wifi Connection
close Wifi Ap
get Wifi Scan Result Security
trigger Wifi Scan
Create Wifi Info
get Wifi Device List
add wifi NetWork
get Wifi Configurations
get All Wifi AP Result
is Network On WiFi
connect To Wifi
get Wifi Gateway Ip
get Wifi LYMAC
get WiFi LYIP
set Wifi Config
get Wifi Ap State
new Wifi Configuration
get Server Ip From Arp Cache
get Metered Hint from wifi information
get Wifi Broadcast Ip
Create a configuration file for the specifies WiFi.
create Wifi Access Point
disable Wifi AP