Android java.lang.reflect Field Value

Android examples for java.lang.reflect:Field Value


Click the following links for the tutorial for java.lang.reflect and Field Value.

  1. read Static Constant Value
  2. get Property value from an object
  3. get Basic Type Null Value
  4. get Int Field Value
  5. modify Field Value
  6. get String Constant Values
  7. get Int File Value From Class
  8. get Field Value Safely via reflection

  9. get Field Value via reflection
  10. set Field Value via reflection
  11. get Super Class Reflect Field Value
  12. set Super Class Reflect Field Value
  13. Set the field represented by the supplied java.lang.reflect.Field field object on the specified Object target object to the specified value.
  14. Reflect Super Field Value
  15. get Value By Field via reflection
  16. Set Value By Field via reflection

  17. get Static Int value from Field via Class
  18. get Field Value
  19. get Static Field Value
  20. get Object Field Value
  21. set Object Field Value
  22. set Field Value
  23. Returns the value of the specified field and column based on the cursor.
  24. set Object Field by value
  25. get Boolean value from Field
  26. given an object, its class, and a fieldName, return the value of that field for the object because there's a lot of stuff you can set in android, but you can't get it.
  27. given an object, its class, a fieldName and a flag, set the value of that field to the flag
  28. given an object, its class, a fieldName and a value, set the value of that field to the object
  29. get a field that we expect to return a boolean value
  30. get Value Of Field
  31. set Value Of Field
  32. get Field Value By Field Name
  33. get Field Value as Object
  34. get Field Value as String