Android File Input Output InputStream

Android examples for File Input Output:InputStream


Click the following links for the tutorial for File Input Output and InputStream.

  1. Helper function to convert an entire input stream into a String via InputStreamReader
  2. copy Stream from InputStream to OutputStream
  3. convert InputStream To String
  4. get String From InputStream
  5. copy from InputStream to OutputStream
  6. copy File from InputStream to OutputStream by 1K buffer
  7. Convert input stream to String
  8. write Bytes To File via InputStream

  9. read InputStream To End
  10. read All Bytes from InputStream
  11. Converts a InputStream to String.
  12. copy file using FileInputStream and FileChannel
  13. Read an integer value from the specified file
  14. Read a long value from the specified file
  15. Read a string value from the specified file
  16. Write an integer value into the specified file.

  17. Write a long value into the specified file
  18. Write a string value into the specified file.
  19. read Buffered File
  20. Converts the input stream from a url connection into a response string.
  21. read stream Fully
  22. Get a string with default encoding from a stream
  23. skip when reading Stream
  24. Get the contents of an InputStream as a list of Strings, one entry per line, using the default character encoding of the platform.
  25. Fetches entire contents of an InputStream and represent same data as result InputStream.
  26. Get the contents of an InputStream as a byte[].
  27. Convert the specified CharSequence to an input stream, encoded as bytes using the default character encoding of the platform.
  28. Get the contents of an InputStream as a String using the default character encoding of the platform.
  29. Get the contents of an InputStream as a character array using the default character encoding of the platform.
  30. get Bytes From Stream
  31. Create InputStream from Byte array
  32. read Stream as byte array
  33. read InputStream and return byte array
  34. get Bytes from file path via FileInputStream
  35. Read a byte array value from the specified input stream