algorithm to base64 decode string to byte array - Android File Input Output

Android examples for File Input Output:Base64


algorithm to base64 decode string to byte array

Demo Code

public class Main{
    public static byte[] decode(String base64String)
            throws Base64FormatException {

        if (base64String == null) {
            return null;
        }//from  w  ww. ja  v  a  2s . c o  m

        int base64StringLength = base64String.length();

        if ((base64StringLength % 4) != 0) {
            throw new Base64FormatException(
                    "The base 64 string does not have correct format.");

        int resultLength = 0;

        int fullDataGroupCount = 0;
        int paddingGroupCount = 0;

        if (base64String.endsWith("==")) {

            resultLength = base64String.length() / 4 * 3 - 2;

            fullDataGroupCount = base64StringLength / 4 - 1;
            paddingGroupCount = 1;

        } else if (base64String.endsWith("=")) {

            resultLength = base64String.length() / 4 * 3 - 1;

            fullDataGroupCount = base64StringLength / 4 - 1;
            paddingGroupCount = 1;

        } else {

            resultLength = base64String.length() / 4 * 3;

            fullDataGroupCount = base64StringLength / 4;
            paddingGroupCount = 0;

        byte resultData[] = new byte[resultLength];

        for (int i = 0; i < fullDataGroupCount; i++) {
            decodeBase64FullDataGroup(resultData, base64String, i);

        if (paddingGroupCount > 0) {
            decodeBase64PaddingGroup(resultData, base64String);

        return resultData;
    private static void decodeBase64FullDataGroup(byte[] resultData,
            String base64String, int group) throws Base64FormatException {

        int base64Offset = group * 4;
        byte base64Byte1 = decodeBase64Char(base64String
        byte base64Byte2 = decodeBase64Char(base64String
        byte base64Byte3 = decodeBase64Char(base64String
        byte base64Byte4 = decodeBase64Char(base64String

        int dataOffset = group * 3;
        resultData[dataOffset] = (byte) ((base64Byte1 << 2) | (base64Byte2 >> 4));
        resultData[dataOffset] = (byte) ((base64Byte2 << 4) | (base64Byte3 >> 2));
        resultData[dataOffset] = (byte) ((base64Byte3 << 6) | (base64Byte4));
    private static void decodeBase64PaddingGroup(byte[] resultData,
            String base64String) throws Base64FormatException {

        int base64StringLength = base64String.length();

        char char1 = base64String.charAt(base64StringLength - 4);
        char char2 = base64String.charAt(base64StringLength - 3);
        char char3 = base64String.charAt(base64StringLength - 2);
        char char4 = base64String.charAt(base64StringLength - 1);

        int resultDataLength = resultData.length;

        if ((char3 == '=') && (char4 == '=')) {
            byte byte1 = decodeBase64Char(char1);
            byte byte2 = decodeBase64Char(char2);
            resultData[resultDataLength - 1] = (byte) ((byte1 << 2) | (byte2 >> 4));

        if ((char3 != '=') && (char4 == '=')) {
            byte byte1 = decodeBase64Char(char1);
            byte byte2 = decodeBase64Char(char2);
            byte byte3 = decodeBase64Char(char3);
            resultData[resultDataLength - 2] = (byte) ((byte1 << 2) | (byte2 >> 4));
            resultData[resultDataLength - 1] = (byte) ((byte2 << 4) | (byte3 >> 2));

        if ((char3 != '=') && (char4 != '=')) {
            byte byte1 = decodeBase64Char(char1);
            byte byte2 = decodeBase64Char(char2);
            byte byte3 = decodeBase64Char(char3);
            byte byte4 = decodeBase64Char(char4);
            resultData[resultDataLength - 3] = (byte) ((byte1 << 2) | (byte2 >> 4));
            resultData[resultDataLength - 2] = (byte) ((byte2 << 4) | (byte3 >> 2));
            resultData[resultDataLength - 1] = (byte) ((byte3 << 6) | (byte4));
    private static byte decodeBase64Char(char base64Char)
            throws Base64FormatException {

        if ((base64Char >= 'A') && (base64Char <= 'Z')) {
            return (byte) (base64Char - 65);
        } else if ((base64Char >= 'a') && (base64Char <= 'z')) {
            return (byte) (base64Char - 97 + 26);
        } else if ((base64Char >= '0') && (base64Char <= '9')) {
            return (byte) (base64Char - 48 + 52);
        } else if (base64Char == '+') {
            return 62;
        } else if (base64Char == '/') {
            return 63;
        } else {
            throw new Base64FormatException(
                    "The base64 string contains invalid character");

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