Android Camera Camera Preview

Android examples for Camera:Camera Preview


Click the following links for the tutorial for Camera and Camera Preview.

  1. get Optimal Preview Size with looping
  2. get Optimal Preview Size with target height
  3. get Best Preview Size by height and width
  4. get Rotated Optimal Preview Size
  5. get Optimal Preview Size by targetRatio
  6. get Optimal Preview Size by width and height
  7. Selects the optimal preview size based on the target aspect ratio and size.
  8. get Optimal Preview Size with target ratio

  9. Get the preview size that fits within the given width and height and has the largest area
  10. get Max Preview Fps Range
  11. get Optimal Preview Size
  12. find Closet Preview Size
  13. get Preview Orientation Degrees
  14. Attempts to find a fixed preview frame rate that matches the desired frame rate.
  15. Attempts to allocate and register the given number of preview callback buffers.
  16. get Preview Frame Entry Name from Zip File

  17. get Best Camera Preview Size
  18. find Best Camera Preview Size Value
  19. set Best Camera Preview FPS
  20. get Camera Supported Preview Sizes
  21. get Optimal Camera Preview Size
  22. get Camera Preview Size
  23. get Camera Preview Size For Video
  24. get Camera Best Preview Size
  25. set Camera Preview Size
  26. Iterate over supported camera preview sizes to see which one best fits the dimensions of the given view while maintaining the aspect ratio.
  27. Determine the rotation to apply for the preview for a given camera
  28. dump Camera Preview Size List
  29. get Camera Optimal Preview Size
  30. Calculate the optimal size of camera preview according to layout used to display this preview
  31. calculate proportional layout dimension for displaying a camera preview according to a given camera preview size
  32. find Camera Best Preview Size Value
  33. Converts YUV data for a pixel (such as from the camera preview data) to RGB values.
  34. Updates the Camera object's preview size to the nearest match for the given width and height.
  35. Attempts to find the camera preview size as close as possible to the given width and height.
  36. Check if the camera is sideways without taking a picture, but we'll take an educated guess based on whether the camera's preview sizes are mostly the same as our current orientation.
  37. Set camera parameters such as preview size, picture size, focus mode, etc.
  38. Returns a list of available camera preview sizes, or null if the Android API to get the sizes is not available.
  39. get Camera Large Preview Size
  40. get Camera Proper Preview Size