Android Activity Activity Feature

Android examples for Activity:Activity Feature


Click the following links for the tutorial for Activity and Activity Feature.

  1. Overrides whatever theme the activity currently has with either Theme_Holo_Light or Theme_Light, depending on OS support.
  2. initialize Activity using data from SharedPreferences
  3. get Package Activity Information via package name
  4. get External Files Directory from Activity
  5. Convert a translucent themed Activity android.R.attr#windowIsTranslucent back from opaque to translucent following a call to #convertActivityFromTranslucent( .
  6. hide Soft Input via Activity
  7. has Activity by package and class name
  8. set Activity Immersive Mode On

  9. display Activity
  10. Returns an intent for launching the application settings for the app with the specified activity.
  11. Used to get the parameter values passed into Activity via a Bundle.
  12. Hides the activity's action bar
  13. Before triggering an implicit intent check if there is any registered activity
  14. Returns Class name of base activity
  15. get Base Activity
  16. Returns Package name of base activity.

  17. get Window from Activity
  18. find Activity From Context
  19. call when you need to transit form one activity to another
  20. Activity result will be lost when the activity has been recreated.
  21. has Activity by package name and class name
  22. has Permissions Granted
  23. Set the enabled setting for a package component (activity, receiver, service, provider).
  24. get Files Directory from Activity
  25. force Stop Activity Package
  26. is Activity Exist by class name
  27. whether app can Launch the main activity.
  28. get Top Activity Class Name
  29. Restarts an activity wherever the method is run.
  30. Capture the whole screen shot of one activity
  31. get Screen Orientation and return constant from ActivityInfo