Android Utililty Methods Context Set

List of utility methods to do Context Set


The list of methods to do Context Set are organized into topic(s).


voidsetLanguage(Context context, String language)
set Language
Locale locale;
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(language)) {
    locale = Locale.getDefault();
} else if (language.length() == 5 && language.charAt(2) == '_') {
    locale = new Locale(language.substring(0, 2),
} else {
    locale = new Locale(language);
voidsetProxy(Context ctx)
set Proxy
booleansetProxy(Context ctx, String host, int port)
set Proxy
setSystemProperties(host, port);
boolean worked = false;
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 14) {
    worked = setWebkitProxyGingerbread(ctx, host, port);
} else {
    worked = setWebkitProxyICS(ctx, host, port);
return worked;
voidsetRevokedPermissions(String packageName, String[] permissions, Context ctx)
set Revoked Permissions
PackageManager pkgManager = ctx.getPackageManager();
Method setRevokedPermissions;
try {
    setRevokedPermissions = pkgManager.getClass().getMethod(
            "setRevokedPermissions", java.lang.String.class,
    Object[] params = new Object[] { packageName, permissions };
    setRevokedPermissions.invoke(pkgManager, params);
booleansetWebkitProxyGingerbread(Context ctx, String host, int port)
Override WebKit Proxy settings
boolean ret = false;
Object requestQueueObject = getRequestQueue(ctx);
if (requestQueueObject != null) {
    HttpHost httpHost = new HttpHost(host, port, "http");
    setDeclaredField(requestQueueObject, "mProxyHost", httpHost);
    return true;
return false;
booleansetWebkitProxyICS(Context ctx, String host, int port)
set Webkit Proxy ICS
try {
    Class webViewCoreClass = Class
    Class proxyPropertiesClass = Class
    if (webViewCoreClass != null && proxyPropertiesClass != null) {
        Method m = webViewCoreClass.getDeclaredMethod(
                "sendStaticMessage", Integer.TYPE, Object.class);
voidsetWelcomeShown(final Context ctx)
set Welcome Shown
        Context.MODE_PRIVATE).edit().putBoolean("shown", true)