Android Utililty Methods Collection Duplicate Remove

List of utility methods to do Collection Duplicate Remove


The list of methods to do Collection Duplicate Remove are organized into topic(s).


booleanhasUniqueObject(Collection collection)
Determine whether the given Collection only contains a single unique object.
if (isEmpty(collection)) {
    return false;
boolean hasCandidate = false;
Object candidate = null;
for (Object elem : collection) {
    if (!hasCandidate) {
        hasCandidate = true;
booleanhasUniqueObject(Collection collection)
Determine whether the given Collection only contains a single unique object.
if (isEmpty(collection)) {
    return false;
boolean hasCandidate = false;
Object candidate = null;
for (Object elem : collection) {
    if (!hasCandidate) {
        hasCandidate = true;