Android Utililty Methods Byte Array Search

List of utility methods to do Byte Array Search


The list of methods to do Byte Array Search are organized into topic(s).


intsearch(byte[] array, int start, int count, byte value)
Search for a value in the array.
if ((array == null) || (array.length <= start) || (start < 0))
    return -1;
if ((count < 0) || (count > (array.length - start)))
    count = array.length - start;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
    if (array[start + i] == value)
        return (start + i);
return -1;
intsearch(byte[] array, int start, int count, short value)
\copydoc search(byte[],int,int,byte)
if ((array == null) || (array.length <= start) || (start < 0))
    return -1;
if ((count < 0) || (count > (array.length - start)))
    count = array.length - start;
for (int i = 0; i < count - 1; i++) {
    if (value == bigEndToShort(array, (start + i)))
        return (start + i);
return -1;
intsearch(byte[] needle, byte[] haystack, int from, int to)
for (int i = from; i < to - needle.length; i++) {
    boolean ok = true;
    for (int j = 0; j < needle.length; j++) {
        if (needle[j] != haystack[i + j]) {
            ok = false;
    if (ok) {
        return i;
return -1;