Select Menu Methods
The selectmenu plugin has the following methods:
enable: enable a disabled select menu
$( "#select1" ).selectmenu( "enable" );
disable: disable a select menu.
$( "#select1" ).selectmenu( "disable" );
open: open a closed select menu. This method only works on a custom select.
$( "#select1" ).selectmenu( "open" );
close: close an open select menu. This method only works on a custom select.
$( "#select1" ).selectmenu( "close" );
refresh: update the custom select menu.
refresh method updates the select menu to reflect changes.
For instance, if the selectedIndex of the native select is updated we can call "refresh" to rebuild the custom select. If you pass a true argument, you can force a refresh and a rebuild to occur.
// Select the menu option and refresh the menu
var myselect = $( "#select1" );
myselect[0].selectedIndex = 5;
myselect.selectmenu( "refresh" );
// refresh and rebuild the list
myselect.selectmenu( "refresh", true );