How to use bitwise operators
Integer Type Bitwise Operators
The following table lists the integer type bitwise operators.
Operator | Expression | Meaning |
~ | ~num (unary) | invert the bits of num, yielding -(num + 1) |
<< | num1 << num2 | num1 left shifted by num2 bits |
>> | num1 >> num2 | num1 right shifted by num2 bits |
& | num1 & num2 | num1 bitwise AND with num2 |
^ | num1 ^ num2 | num1 bitwise XOR (exclusive OR) with num2 |
| | num1 | num2 | num1 bitwise OR with num2 |
Here are some examples.
# 30 (011110), 45 (101101), and 60 (111100):
print 30 & 45
print 30 | 45# ww w. j av a2s . c om
print 45 & 60
print 45 | 60
print ~30
print ~45
print 45 << 1
print 60 >> 2
print 30 ^ 45
x = 1 # 0001
print x << 2 # Shift left 2 bits: 0100
print x | 2 # bitwise OR: 0011
print x & 1 # bitwise AND: 0001
The code above generates the following result.