How to overload predefined operators
Common operator overloading methods
The following table has a list of methods(operators) we can overload.
Method | Overloads | Called for |
__init__ | Constructor | Object creation: X = Class( ) |
__del__ | Destructor | Object reclamation |
__add__ | Operator + | X + Y, X += Y |
__or__ | Operator | (bitwise OR) | X | Y, X |= Y |
__repr__,__str__ | Printing, conversions | print X, repr(X), str(X) |
__call__ | Function calls | X( ) |
__getattr__ | Qualification | X.undefined |
__setattr__ | Attribute assignment | X.any = value |
__getitem__ | Indexing | X[key], for loops and other iterations if no _ _iter_ _ |
__setitem__ | Index assignment | X[key] = value |
__len__ | Length | len(X), truth tests |
__cmp__ | Comparison | X == Y, X < Y |
__lt__ | Specific comparison | X < Y (or else __cmp__) |
__eq__ | Specific comparison | X == Y (or else __cmp__) |
__radd__ | Right-side operator + | Noninstance + X |
__iadd__ | In-place addition | X += Y (or else __add__) |
__iter__ | Iteration contexts | for loops, in tests, list comprehensions, map, others |