PHP substr() Function
In this chapter you will learn:
- Definition for PHP substr() Function
- Syntax for PHP substr() Function
- Parameter for PHP substr() Function
- Return for PHP substr() Function
- Example - Use substr to get sub string
- Example - Extract from the end of a string
The substr()
function gets a substring from a string.
PHP substr() Function has the following syntax.
string substr ( string str, int start_pos [, int length] )
PHP substr() function takes the following parameters:
- str - the string to work with
- start_pos - where you want to start reading from.
- length - Optional. The number of characters to extract. A negative number extracts from the end of the string. if missing, substr() extracts from the start position to the end
PHP substr() Function returns the sub string.
Use substr to get sub string
<?PHP//from j a va 2
$message = "This is test from";
$a = substr($message, 1);
print $a;
print "\n";
$b = substr($message, 0);
print $b;
print "\n";
$c = substr($message, 5);
print $c;
print "\n";
$d = substr($message, 50);
print $d;
print "\n";
$e = substr($message, 5, 4);
print $e;
print "\n";
$f = substr($message, 10, 1);
print $f;
The code above generates the following result.
Example 2
If the third parameter is a negative number, and PHP will omit that number of characters from the end of the string, as opposed to the number of characters you wish to copy:
Negative lengths says something like "copy everything but the last three characters".
A negative start index start from the end. You can use a negative length with your negative start index, like this:
<?PHP// ja v a2 s . c o m
$string = "this is a test from!" ;
$a = substr($string, 5);
// copy from character five until the end
print $a;
print "\n";
$b = substr($string, 5, 5);
// copy five characters from character five
print $b;
print "\n";
$c = substr($string, 0, -1);
// copy all but the last character
print $c;
print "\n";
$d = substr($string, -5);
// PHP starts 5 characters from the end, then copies from there to the end
print $d;
print "\n";
$e = substr($string, -5, 4);
// this uses a negative start and a positive length; PHP starts five
// characters from the end of the string, then copies four characters
print $e;
print "\n";
$f = substr($string, -5, -4);
// start five characters from the end, and copy everything but the last four characters
print $f;
The code above generates the following result.
Next chapter...
What you will learn in the next chapter:
- Definition for PHP substr_compare() Function
- Syntax for PHP substr_compare() Function
- Parameter for PHP substr_compare() Function
- Return for PHP substr_compare() Function
- Example - Compare two strings
- Example - Compare two strings, when start position in string1 for the comparison is 6th