Blocks in Objective-C are similar to closures or lambdas in other programming languages
Here is the syntax to declare a block in Objective-C.
returntype (^blockName)(argumentType);
The following is the syntax we can use to implement the block.
returntype (^blockName)(argumentType)= ^{ };
The following code defines a block.
void (^simpleBlock)(void) = ^{
NSLog(@"This is a block");
We can invoke the block using.
Here is a simple example using typedef in block.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h> typedef void (^CompletionBlock)(); @interface SampleClass:NSObject - (void)performActionWithCompletion:(CompletionBlock)completionBlock; @end @implementation SampleClass - (void)performActionWithCompletion:(CompletionBlock)completionBlock{ NSLog(@"Action Performed"); completionBlock(); } @end int main() { SampleClass *sampleClass = [[SampleClass alloc]init]; [sampleClass performActionWithCompletion:^{ NSLog(@"output."); }]; return 0; }