Javascript arrays are ordered lists of data and can hold any type of data in each slot.
Arrays in Javascript are dynamically sized, automatically growing.
Arrays can be created in two ways.
The following code uses the Array constructor.
var colors = new Array();
You can pass the count into the constructor, and the length property will set to that value.
var colors = new Array(20);
You can pass items to Array constructor.
var colors = new Array("red", "blue", "green");
It's OK to omit the new operator when using the Array constructor.
var colors = Array(3); //create an array with three items var names = Array("red"); //create an array with one item, the string "red"
An array literal includes square brackets and a comma-separated list of items.
var colors = ["red", "blue", "green"]; //creates an array with three strings var names = []; //creates an empty array
You can enumerate the content of an array using a for loop.
var myArray = [ 100, "A", true ];
for ( var i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++) {
console.log("Index " + i + ": " + myArray[i]);
The code above generates the following result.
To get and set array values, use square brackets and the zero-based numeric index.
var colors = ["red", "blue", "green"];
colors[2] = "new black"; //change the third item
colors[3] = "new brown"; //add a fourth item
console.log(colors.toString());// w w w .j a v a2 s. c o m
var myArray = new Array();
myArray[0] = 100;
myArray[1] = "Adam";
myArray[2] = true;
The code above generates the following result.
If the index is less than the number of items in the array, then it will return the value in the getter and replace the value in the setter.
If a value is set to an index that is beyond the end of the array, the array is expanded.
The number of items in an array is stored in the length
var colors = ["red", "blue", "green"]; //creates an array with three strings var names = []; //creates an empty array console.log(colors.length); //3 console.log(names.length); //0 var names = new Array(); console.log(names.length);//0
The code above generates the following result.
Array length in Javascript is not read-only.
By setting the length property, you can easily remove items from or add items to the end of the array.
var colors = ["red", "blue", "green"]; //creates an array with three strings
colors.length = 2;
console.log(colors[2]); //undefined
colors = ["red", "blue", "green"]; //creates an array with three strings
colors.length = 4;
console.log(colors[3]); //undefined
The code above generates the following result.
We can use length property to add items the end of an array.
The last item in an array is at position length - 1, so the next available open slot is at position length.
var colors = ["red", "blue", "green"]; //creates an array with three strings
colors[colors.length] = "black"; //add a color (position 3)
colors[colors.length] = "brown"; //add another color (position 4)
The code above generates the following result.
var colors = ["red", "blue", "green"]; //creates an array with three strings
colors[99] = "black"; //add a color (position 99)
console.log(colors.length); //100
The code above generates the following result.
We have two ways to check if a variable is an array. The first method
is to use instanceof
if (value instanceof Array){ //do something on the array }
The second one is to use Array.isArray() method.
if (Array.isArray(value)){ //do something on the array }
var colors = ["A", "B", "C"];
//creates an array with three strings
if (Array.isArray(colors)){
console.log("colors is an array");
The code above generates the following result.