In this chapter you will learn:
Location object
Location object has the location information about the loaded document. location object also provides the general navigation functionality.
The location object is a property of both window and document.
Both window.location
point to the same object.
The locaction object has the following properties and methods:
Name | Description | Returns |
assign(URL) | Navigates to the specified URL. | void |
hash | Gets or sets the hash component of the document URL, for example "#myID". | string |
host | Gets or sets the host component of the document URL, for example "www.java2s.com:80". | string |
hostname | Gets or sets the host name component of the document URL, for example "www.java2s.com". | string |
href | Gets or sets the current document's location, full URL of the loaded page, for example "http://www.java2s.com". | string |
pathname | Gets or sets the path component of the document URL, for example "/Book/HTML-CSS/". | string |
port | Gets or sets the port of the document URL, for example "8080". | string |
protocol | Gets or sets the protocol of the document URL, for example "http:".. Typically "http:" or "https:" | string |
reload() | Reloads the current document. | void |
replace(URL) | Removes the current document and navigates to the one specified by the URL. | void |
resolveURL(URL) | Resolves the specified relative URL to an absolute one. | string |
search | Gets or sets the query component of the document URL, for example "?q=javascript". | string |
toString | Returns the full URL of the loaded page | string |
To get information about the location of the current object.
<!DOCTYPE HTML> <!-- ja v a 2 s. com-->
document.writeln("protocol: " + document.location.protocol);
document.writeln("host: " + document.location.host);
document.writeln("hostname: " + document.location.hostname);
document.writeln("port: " + document.location.port);
document.writeln("pathname: " + document.location.pathname);
document.writeln("search: " + document.location.search);
document.writeln("hash: " + document.location.hash);
Next chapter...
What you will learn in the next chapter: