Javascript Tutorial Event Basic


  1. Add click event handler to form and check the event phase in JavaScript
  2. Check Event bubble phase in JavaScript
  3. Demonstrate Event Bubbling in JavaScript
  4. Demonstrate Event Capture and Bubble and event Phase in JavaScript
  5. Find out event handling and firing phases in JavaScript
  6. Get event Phase in JavaScript
  7. Prevent event Bubble and Capture in JavaScript
  8. Show the event capture phase in JavaScript
  9. Stop Event Propagation in JavaScript
  10. Tell if the event supports bubble with Event bubbles property in JavaScript
  11. Test the event bubbling in JavaScript


  1. Check event type in JavaScript
  2. Get element id through event object in JavaScript
  3. Get event source element name and id in JavaScript
  4. Get the event target in JavaScript
  5. Get the event type for key event in JavaScript
  6. Get the event type from event in JavaScript
  7. Get the source tag name which triggered the event in JavaScript


  1. Create your own event in JavaScript
  2. Remove a certain type of event listener from an element in JavaScript