Javascript Tutorial Date


  1. Add your own method to Date object in JavaScript
  2. Compare Date value in JavaScript
  3. Format Time to have two digit for each field in JavaScript
  4. Time statements with Date object in JavaScript


  1. Convert Date to Locale Date String showing day of the week month, day of the month, and year in JavaScript
  2. Convert Date to Locale Time String showing hours, minutes, and seconds in JavaScript
  3. Convert Date to String showing the complete UTC date in JavaScript
  4. Convert Date to String showing the date's day of the week, month, day of the month, and year in JavaScript
  5. Convert Date to String showing the date's hours, minutes, seconds, and time zone in JavaScript
  6. Convert date to the milliseconds representation of the date with valueOf() method in JavaScript
  7. Convert date value to local format string in JavaScript
  8. Return Date string in timezone information in JavaScript


  1. Create Date object from year month hour minute and second value in JavaScript
  2. Create Date value from String in the format as "May 25, 2004" in JavaScript
  3. Create Date value from String in the format as "Month/Date/Year" in JavaScript
  4. Create Date value from milliseconds in JavaScript
  5. Create Date value from string in the format as "ISO 8601 extended format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ" in JavaScript
  6. Create Date value from string in the format as "day_of_week month_name date year hours:minutes:seconds time_zone" in JavaScript
  7. Create date in Coordinated Universal Time in JavaScript


  1. Display current time by using Date.getHours(), Date().getMinutes(), Date().getSeconds() in JavaScript
  2. Get current date and time in JavaScript
  3. Get current time in the millisecond with in JavaScript
  4. Get the UTC date's day of the week as a number (where 0 represents Sunday and 6 represents Saturday) in JavaScript
  5. Get the UTC date's hours as a number between 0 and 23 in JavaScript
  6. Get the UTC date's milliseconds in JavaScript
  7. Get the UTC date's minutes as a number between 0 and 59 in JavaScript
  8. Get the UTC date's seconds as a number between 0 and 59 in JavaScript
  9. Get the date's day of the week as a number (where 0 represents Sunday and 6 represents Saturday) in JavaScript
  10. Get the date's hours as a number between 0 and 23 in JavaScript
  11. Get the date's milliseconds in JavaScript
  12. Get the date's minutes as a number between 0 and 59 in JavaScript
  13. Get the date's seconds as a number between 0 and 59 in JavaScript
  14. Get the day of the month (1 through 31) for the UTC date in JavaScript
  15. Get the day of the month (1 through 31) for the date in JavaScript
  16. Get the four-digit year (2007 instead of just 07) in JavaScript
  17. Get the four-digit year of the UTC date value in JavaScript
  18. Get the milliseconds representation of the date; same as valueOf() in JavaScript
  19. Get the month name for UTC time in JavaScript
  20. Get the month of the UTC date, where 0 represents January and 11 represents December in JavaScript
  21. Get the month of the date, where 0 represents January and 11 represents December in JavaScript
  22. Get the number of minutes that the local time zone is off set from UTC in JavaScript
  23. Get year, month and day from date difference in JavaScript
  24. Translate the Date().getDay() to a string day name in JavaScript
  25. Translate the Date().getMonth() to month name in JavaScript
  26. Use Date.getDay() with switch statement in JavaScript
  27. Use Date.getMonth() with switch statement in JavaScript
  28. Use the getUTCDay() Method to Return the Day of the Week in JavaScript


  1. Parse an invalid date in JavaScript
  2. Pass a string date value in format of "ISO 8601 extended format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ" to the parse() function in JavaScript
  3. Parse a string date value in format of "day_of_week month_name date year hours:minutes:seconds time_zone" to the parse() function in JavaScript
  4. Pass a string date value in format of "month/date/year" to the parse() function in JavaScript
  5. Pass a string date value in format of "month_name date, year" to the parse() function in JavaScript
  6. Pass in more value for UTC() function in JavaScript


  1. Set the UTC date's hours with setUTCHours(hours) in JavaScript
  2. Set the UTC date's milliseconds with setUTCMilliseconds in JavaScript
  3. Set the UTC date's minutes with setUTCMinutes(minutes) in JavaScript
  4. Set the UTC date's seconds with setUTCSeconds(seconds) in JavaScript
  5. Set the date's hours with with setHours(hours) in JavaScript
  6. Set the date's milliseconds with setMilliseconds() in JavaScript
  7. Set the date's minutes with setMinutes(minutes) in JavaScript
  8. Set the date's seconds with setSeconds(seconds) in JavaScript
  9. Set the day of the month for the UTC date with setUTCDate(date) in JavaScript
  10. Set the day of the month for the date with setDate(date) in JavaScript
  11. Set the milliseconds representation of the date with setTime(milliseconds) in JavaScript
  12. Set the month of the UTC date with setUTCMonth(month) in JavaScript
  13. Set the month of the date with setMonth(month) in JavaScript
  14. Set the year of the UTC date with setUTCFullYear(year) in JavaScript
  15. Set the year of the date with setFullYear(year) in JavaScript
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Javascript Tutorial Date
Add your own method to Date object in JavaS...
Compare Date value in JavaScript
Convert Date to Locale Date String showing ...
Convert Date to Locale Time String showing ...
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Create Date value from string in the format...
Create Date value from string in the format...
Create date in Coordinated Universal Time i...
Display current time by using Date.getHours...
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Get current date and time in JavaScript
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Get the UTC date's hours as a number betwee...
Get the UTC date's milliseconds in JavaScri...
Get the UTC date's minutes as a number betw...
Get the UTC date's seconds as a number betw...
Get the date's day of the week as a number ...
Get the date's hours as a number between 0 ...
Get the date's milliseconds in JavaScript
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Get the date's seconds as a number between ...
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