Event Flow: capture, target, and bubbling

In this chapter you will learn:

  1. What is the event life cycle
  2. Stop Propagation
  3. Event bubble phase
  4. Event bubbles property

Event life cycle

An event has three phases to its life cycle: capture, target, and bubbling.

The event capture phase is shown in the following image:


The event bubble phase is shown in the following image:


When the capture phase has finished, the browser triggers any listeners for the event type.

Calling the stopPropagation or stopImmediatePropagation functions during the target phase stops the flow of the event and the bubble phase won't be performed.

The following code shows the event capture phase:

<!DOCTYPE HTML><!--from j  ava  2s . co m-->
<style type="text/css">
p {
  background: gray;
  color: white;
  padding: 10px;
  margin: 5px;
  border: thin solid black

span {
  background: white;
  color: black;
  padding: 2px;
  cursor: default;
  <p id="block1">
    <span id="mySpan">This is a span. </span>
  <script type="text/javascript">
    var mySpan = document.getElementById("mySpan");
    var textblock = document.getElementById("block1");
    mySpan.addEventListener("mouseover", handleMouseEvent);
    mySpan.addEventListener("mouseout", handleMouseEvent);
    textblock.addEventListener("mouseover", handleDescendantEvent, true);
    textblock.addEventListener("mouseout", handleDescendantEvent, true);

    function handleDescendantEvent(e) {
      if (e.type == "mouseover" && 
                       e.eventPhase == Event.CAPTURING_PHASE) {
        e.target.style.border = "thin solid red";
        e.currentTarget.style.border = "thick double black";
      } else if (e.type == 
              "mouseout" && e.eventPhase == Event.CAPTURING_PHASE) {
    function handleMouseEvent(e) {
      if (e.type == "mouseover") {
        e.target.style.background = 'white';
        e.target.style.color = 'black';
      } else {

Click to view the demo

Stop Propagation

A parent element event handler can stop flow of the event down toward the target by calling the sstopPropagation or stopImmediatePropagation.

stopPropagation ensures that all of the event listeners registered for the current element will be invoked. stopImmediatePropagation ignores any untriggered listeners.

<!DOCTYPE HTML><!--from  j  av a  2s .  co m-->
<style type="text/css">
span {
  background: white;
  color: black;
  padding: 2px;
  cursor: default;
  <p id="block1">
    <span id="mySpan">This is a span. </span>
  <script type="text/javascript">
    var mySpan = document.getElementById("mySpan");
    var textblock = document.getElementById("block1");
    mySpan.addEventListener("mouseover", handleMouseEvent);
    mySpan.addEventListener("mouseout", handleMouseEvent);
    textblock.addEventListener("mouseover", handleDescendantEvent, true);
    textblock.addEventListener("mouseout", handleDescendantEvent, true);
    function handleDescendantEvent(e) {
      if (e.type == "mouseover" && 
                 e.eventPhase == Event.CAPTURING_PHASE) {
        e.target.style.border = "thick solid red";
        e.currentTarget.style.border = "thick double black";
      } else if (e.type == "mouseout" && 
                      e.eventPhase == Event.CAPTURING_PHASE) {
    function handleMouseEvent(e) {
      if (e.type == "mouseover") {
        e.target.style.background = 'white';
        e.target.style.color = 'black';
      } else {

Click to view the demo

Event bubble phase

The following code shows the event bubble phase:

<!DOCTYPE HTML><!--   j a  va 2  s . c o  m-->
<style type="text/css">
span {
  background: white;
  color: black;
  padding: 2px;
  cursor: default;
  <p id="block1">
    <span id="mySpan">This is a span. </span>
  <script type="text/javascript">
    var mySpan = document.getElementById("mySpan");
    var textblock = document.getElementById("block1");
    mySpan.addEventListener("mouseover", handleMouseEvent);
    mySpan.addEventListener("mouseout", handleMouseEvent);
    textblock.addEventListener("mouseover", handleDescendantEvent, true);
    textblock.addEventListener("mouseout", handleDescendantEvent, true);
    textblock.addEventListener("mouseover", handleBubbleMouseEvent, false);
    textblock.addEventListener("mouseout", handleBubbleMouseEvent, false);
    function handleBubbleMouseEvent(e) {
      if (e.type == "mouseover" && 
                     e.eventPhase == Event.BUBBLING_PHASE) {
        e.target.style.textTransform = "uppercase";
      } else if (e.type == "mouseout"
          && e.eventPhase == Event.BUBBLING_PHASE) {
        e.target.style.textTransform = "none";
    function handleDescendantEvent(e) {
      if (e.type == "mouseover" && 
                     e.eventPhase == Event.CAPTURING_PHASE) {
        e.target.style.border = "thn solid red";
        e.currentTarget.style.background = "blue";
      } else if (e.type == "mouseout"
          && e.eventPhase == Event.CAPTURING_PHASE) {
    function handleMouseEvent(e) {
      if (e.type == "mouseover") {
        e.target.style.background = 'black';
        e.target.style.color = 'white';
      } else {

Click to view the demo

Event bubbles property

Not all events support bubbling. Event bubbles property tells if the event supports bubble. It returns a true/false value.

<!DOCTYPE HTML><!--from   j  a v a2  s.  co m-->
<style type="text/css">
span {
  background: white;
  color: black;
  padding: 2px;
  cursor: default;
<p id="block1">
  <span id="mySpan">This is a span. </span>
<script type="text/javascript">
  var mySpan = document.getElementById("mySpan");
  var textblock = document.getElementById("block1");
  textblock.addEventListener("mouseover", handleBubbleMouseEvent, false);
  textblock.addEventListener("mouseout", handleBubbleMouseEvent, false);
  function handleBubbleMouseEvent(e) {

Click to view the demo

Next chapter...

What you will learn in the next chapter:

  1. Work with eventPhase property
Home » Javascript Tutorial » DOM Event
DOM Events
Event Flow: capture, target, and bubbling
Event Phase
Cancel events
Events Type
Event Target