Javascript Reference - JavaScript Array slice() Method

slice() returns the sub-array. The slice() method may accept one or two arguments:

  • the starting
  • stopping positions.

slice(startingPoint) returns sub-array between startingPoint and the end of the array.

slice(startingPoint,endPosition) returns sub-array between the startingPosition and endPosition, not including the item in the end position.

slice() does not affect the original array in any way.

Browser Support

slice() Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes



Parameter Values

Parameter Description
start Required. An integer to set where to start the selection. The first element starts at 0. Negative numbers selects from the end of an array.
end Optional. An integer to set where to end the selection. If omitted, default to the end of the array. Negative numbers selects from the end of an array

Return Value

A new Array containing the selected elements.


var colors = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E"]; 
var colors2 = colors.slice(1); 
var colors3 = colors.slice(1,4); 
console.log(colors2); //B,C,D,E
console.log(colors3); //B,C,D

The code above generates the following result.

slice negative value

If either the start or end position of slice() is a negative number, then the number is subtracted from the length of the array.

For the array in the following code, arrayWithFiveItem.slice(-2, -1) is the same as arrayWithFiveItem.slice(3, 4).

var colors = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E"]; 
var colors2 = colors.slice(-2,-1); 
var colors3 = colors.slice(3,4); 

console.log(colors2); //D
console.log(colors3); //D

If the end position is smaller than the start, then an empty array is returned.

The code above generates the following result.