Java API Tutorial - Java DatabaseMetaData .getUserName ()


DatabaseMetaData.getUserName() has the following syntax.

String getUserName()   throws SQLException


In the following code shows how to use DatabaseMetaData.getUserName() method.

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
/*from  www .  j  a v a 2s  . co  m*/
public class Main {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    Connection conn = getHSQLConnection();

    DatabaseMetaData md = conn.getMetaData();

    System.out.println("JDBC Driver: " + md.getDriverName() + " "
        + md.getDriverVersion());
    System.out.println("Database: " + md.getURL());
    System.out.println("User: " + md.getUserName());


  private static Connection getHSQLConnection() throws Exception {
    String url = "jdbc:hsqldb:data/tutorial";
    return DriverManager.getConnection(url, "sa", "");


The code above generates the following result.