In Scala Lists, all elements have the same type like arrays, but unlike arrays, elements of a list cannot by changed by assignment.
The list that has elements of type T is written as List[T].
There are two ways to create a list:
First we will show the more traditional approach. The following code shows how you can create an empty list.
val empty: List[Nothing] = List()
Note that the type of the list is Nothing.
We can create the list of books as shown in the following code:
val books: List[String] = List("Scala", "Groovy", "Java")
Both these lists can be defined using a tail Nil
and ::
Nil also represents the empty list.
An empty list can be defined using Nil.
val empty = Nil
The books list can be defined using a tail Nil and :: as shown in the following code.
val books = "Scala" :: ("Groovy" :: ("Java" :: Nil))
The operations on the lists can be expressed in terms of head and tail methods, where head returns the first element of a list and tail returns a list consisting of all elements except the first element.
object Main { def main(args: Array[String]) { val books = "Scala" :: ("Groovy" :: ("Java" :: Nil)) println(books.head ) println(books.tail ) } }