In MongoDB, both database and table are created automatically when data is inserted for the first time.
We can use the use databaseName
command to switch to
your database even if the database itself is not created yet.
In the following example, after inserting a new record, database "java2s", and table "users" are created on the fly.
$ ./mongo > use java2s switched to db java2s ? > db.users.insert({username:"java2s",password:"123456"}) > db.users.find() { "_id" : ObjectId("the id value"), "username" : "java2s", "password" : "123456" }
show dbs
command lists all databases.
use yourDBName
command switches to db_name.
show collections
command lists all tables
in the current selected database.
To insert a record, uses db.yourTableName.insert({data}) or{data}).
>{username:"abc",password:"abc123"}) > db.users.find()
To update a record, uses db.tablename.update({criteria},{$set: {new value}}). In below example, the password of username : "java2s" is updated.
> db.users.update({username:"java2s"},{$set:{password:"hello123"}}) > db.users.find()
To find or query records, uses db.tablename.find({criteria}).
List all records:
> db.users.find()
Find records where username is "google"
> db.users.find({username:"abc"})
Find records where username's length is less than or equal to 2.
Find records where username field is existed.
db.users.find({username:{$exists : true}})
To delete a record, uses db.tablename.remove({criteria}).
> db.users.remove({username:"google"})
> db.users.find()
List all indexes of table "users", by default the column "_id" is always the primary key and created automatically.
> db.users.getIndexes() >
To create an index, uses db.tablename.ensureIndex(column).
> db.users.ensureIndex({username:1}) > db.users.getIndexes()
To drop an index, uses db.tablename.dropIndex(column). In the following example, the index on column "username" is deleted.
> db.users.dropIndex({username:1}) > db.users.getIndexes() >
To create an unique index, uses db.tablename.ensureIndex({column},{unique:true}). The following code creates an unique index on column "username".
> db.users.ensureIndex({username:1},{unique:true}); > db.users.getIndexes()
List all available commands.
> help help on db methods help on collection methods ... - Shows help on db.
> DB methods: db.addUser(username, password[, readOnly=false]) db.auth(username, password) ... - Shows help on collection (table).
> DBCollection help db.users.find().help() - show DBCursor help db.users.count() db.users.dataSize() ... - Shows help on function.
> db.users.find().help() find() modifiers .sort( {...} ) .limit( n ) .skip( n ) .count() .size() .explain([verbose]) ...