A JTextArea can handle multiline plain text.
A JTextArea does not provide scrolling by itself, we need to put JTextField to a JScrollPane to have scrolling capability.
We can set the number of rows and columns for a JTextArea to set its preferred size.
The following table lists the constructors of the JTextArea Class.
ID | Constructor/Description |
1 | JTextArea() Creates a JTextArea with a default model, initial string as null, and rows/columns as zero. |
2 | JTextArea(Document doc) Creates a JTextArea with the specified doc as its model. Its initial string is set to null, and rows/columns to zero. |
3 | JTextArea(Document doc, String text, int rows, int columns) Creates a JTextArea with all its properties (model, initial text, rows, and column) as specified in its arguments. |
4 | JTextArea(int rows, int columns) Creates a JTextArea with a default model, initial string as null, and the specified rows/columns. |
5 | JTextArea(String text) Creates a JTextArea with the specified initial text. A default model is set and rows/columns are set to zero. |
6 | JTextArea(String text, int rows, int columns) Creates a JTextArea with the specified text, rows, and columns. A default model is used. |
The following code shows how to create JTextArea using different initial values.
To Create a blank JTextArea
JTextArea emptyTextArea = new JTextArea();
To create a JTextArea with 10 rows and 50 columns
JTextArea commentsTextArea = new JTextArea(10, 50);
To Create a JTextArea with 10 rows and 50 columns with an initial text of "Enter resume here"
JTextArea resumeTextArea = new JTextArea("Enter resume here", 10, 50);
To add the scrolling capability to a JTextArea, we add it to a JScrollPane.
The following code shows how to make a JTextArea scrollable
JTextArea resumeTextArea = new JTextArea("Enter resume here", 10, 50); JScrollPane sp = new JScrollPane(resumeTextArea); Container contentPane = myFrame.getContentPane();
The following table lists some of the commonly used methods of a JTextArea.
Most of the time, we will use its setText(), getText(), and append() methods.
ID | Method/Description |
1 | void append(String text) Appends the specified text to the end of the JTextArea. |
2 | int getLineCount() Returns the number of lines in the JTextArea. |
3 | int getLineStartOffset(int line) throws BadLocationException Returns the start offset for a specified line number. |
4 | int getLineEndOffset(int line) throws BadLocationException Returns the end offset for a specified line number. |
5 | int getLineOfOffset(int offset) throws BadLocationException Returns the line number in which the specified offset occurs. |
6 | boolean getLineWrap() Returns true if line wrapping has been set. Otherwise, it returns false. |
7 | int getTabSize() Returns the number of characters used for a tab. By default, it returns 8. |
8 | boolean getWrapStyleWord() Returns true if word wrapping has been set to true. Otherwise, it returns false. |
9 | void insert(String text, int offset) Inserts the specified text at the specified offset. |
10 | void replaceRange(String text, int start, int end) Replaces the text between the start and end positions with the specified text. |
11 | void setLineWrap(boolean wrap) Sets the line-wrapping policy for the JTextArea. |
12 | void setTabSize(int size) Sets the number of characters that a tab will expand to the specified size. |
13 | void setWrapStyleWord(boolean word) Sets the word-wrapping style when line wrapping is set to true. |
By default, the line wrapping is set to false. The line wrapping is set using the setLineWrap(boolean lineWrap) method.