Java I/O How to - Java File Attribute Example

  1. Java Change a file attribute to read only
  2. Java Change a file attribute to writable
  3. Java Check existance without following the symbolic links
  4. Java Check file's Last Modified Time without following the symbolic links
  5. Java Check for the supported attribute via java.nio.file.FileStore
  6. Java Check if a file is an existing directory
  7. Java Check if a file is a Executable file without following the symbolic links
  8. Java Check if a file is a symbolic link
  9. Java Check if a file is a Writable file without following the symbolic links
  10. Java Check if the File object refers to an absolute pathname
  11. Java Check not existance without following the symbolic links
  12. Java Compare file content
  13. Java Compare File Dates
  14. Java Determine if File or Directory is hidden
  15. Java Format file length in string
  16. Java Get file's size via java.nio.file.Files
  17. Java Get last modified time in milliseconds since midnight on 1st January 1970 GMT
  18. Java Get the length of current file in long
  19. Java Set file attributes, /exists/read/write/readonly/writeonly