Java Generic Class Hierarchies

In this chapter you will learn:

  1. How to extend generic class
  2. Example - Using a Generic Superclass
  3. How to be a generic subclass
  4. Run-Time Type Comparisons Within a Generic Hierarchy
  5. How to override methods in a generic class


A generic class can act as a superclass or be a subclass. In a generic hierarchy, any type arguments needed by a generic superclass must be passed up the hierarchy by all subclasses.


Using a Generic Superclass

class MyClass<T> {
  T ob;/*w  w  w.  jav a 2 s  . c  o m*/
  MyClass(T o) {
    ob = o;
  T getob() {
    return ob;
class MySubclass<T, V> extends MyClass<T> {
  V ob2;

  MySubclass(T o, V o2) {
    ob2 = o2;

  V getob2() {
    return ob2;
public class Main {
  public static void main(String args[]) {
    MySubclass<String, Integer> x = new MySubclass<String, Integer>("Value is: ", 99);

The code above generates the following result.

Example 2

It is perfectly acceptable for a non-generic class to be the superclass of a generic subclass.

class MyClass {/*w  w w. j ava 2 s. com*/
  int num;

  MyClass(int i) {
    num = i;

  int getnum() {
    return num;
class MySubclass<T> extends MyClass {
  T ob;
  MySubclass(T o, int i) {
    ob = o;
  T getob() {
    return ob;
public class Main {
  public static void main(String args[]) {
     MySubclass<String> w = new MySubclass<String>("Hello", 4);
    System.out.print(w.getob() + " ");

The code above generates the following result.

Example 3

The instanceof operator can be applied to objects of generic classes.

class Gen<T> {
  T ob;/*w w  w.  j a v a2 s . c  o m*/

  Gen(T o) {
    ob = o;
  T getob() {
    return ob;
class Gen2<T> extends Gen<T> {
  Gen2(T o) {

public class Main {
  public static void main(String args[]) {
    Gen<Integer> iOb = new Gen<Integer>(88);
    Gen2<Integer> iOb2 = new Gen2<Integer>(99);
    Gen2<String> strOb2 = new Gen2<String>("Generics Test");
    System.out.println("iOb2 is instance of Gen2"+(iOb2 instanceof Gen2<?>));
    System.out.println("iOb2 is instance of Gen"+(iOb2 instanceof Gen<?>));
    System.out.println("strOb2 is instance of Gen2"+(strOb2 instanceof Gen2<?>));
    System.out.println("strOb2 is instance of Gen"+(strOb2 instanceof Gen<?>));
    System.out.println("iOb is instance of Gen2"+(iOb instanceof Gen2<?>));
    System.out.println("iOb is instance of Gen"+(iOb instanceof Gen<?>));

The output:

Example 4

A method in a generic class can be overridden like any other method.

class Gen<T> {
  T obj;//from www.  j  ava 2s  .c om
  Gen(T o) {
    obj = o;
  T getob() {
    System.out.print("Gen's getob(): ");
    return obj;
class Gen2<T> extends Gen<T> {
  Gen2(T o) {
  T getob() {
    System.out.print("Gen2's getob(): ");
    return obj;
public class Main {
  public static void main(String args[]) {
    Gen<Integer> iOb = new Gen<Integer>(88);
    Gen2<String> strOb2 = new Gen2<String>("Generics Test");

The code above generates the following result.

Next chapter...

What you will learn in the next chapter:

  1. How to cast generic types
  2. Example - Java generic types cast
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      Java Generics
Java Generic Type
Java Generic Bounded Types
Java Generic Method
Java Generic Constructors
Java Generic Parameter Wildcard
Java Generic interface
Java Raw Types and Legacy Code
Java Generic Class Hierarchies
Java generic types cast
Java Generic Restrictions