HTML CSS Tutorial Font Size

Font Size

  1. Compare all possible font size settings in HTML and CSS
  2. Compare font-size Properties in HTML and CSS
  3. Compare font-size in HTML and CSS
  4. Compare font size in pixel, point, inch, mm and em, ex in HTML and CSS
  5. Compare larger and smaller keywords of the font-size to px based font size in HTML and CSS
  6. Compare percentage font size in HTML and CSS
  7. Compare seven different absolute size keywords, which set the font size relative to the user's font size preference in HTML and CSS
  8. Demonstrate that font-size larger is incremental in HTML and CSS
  9. Demonstrate that font-size smaller is incremental in HTML and CSS
  10. Set font-size to 0.75em; (25% smaller) in HTML and CSS
  11. Set font size to 120% for H1 in HTML and CSS
  12. Set font size to 150% larger in HTML and CSS
  13. Set font-size to 18px in HTML and CSS
  14. Set font size to 1.2em in HTML and CSS
  15. Set font-size to 1.5em; (50% larger) in HTML and CSS
  16. Set font size to 6em in HTML and CSS
  17. Set font size to 80% smaller in HTML and CSS
  18. Set font size to 90% for paragraph in HTML and CSS
  19. Set font size to medium and larger in HTML and CSS
  20. Set font size to small in HTML and CSS
  21. Set font-size to smaller in HTML and CSS
  22. Use calculation based font size in HTML and CSS