Restrict Data Entry input element
HTML5 introduces new values for the input element's type attribute and we can collect more specific data from the user.
The following list summarizes these new type values.
- checkbox - Restricts the input to a true/false check box.
- color - Restricts the input to a color.
- date - Restricts the input to a date.
- datetime - Restricts the input to a global date and time with time zone.
- datetime-local - Restricts the input to a global date and time without time zone.
- email - Restricts the input to a properly formatted e-mail address.
- month - Restricts the input to a year and month.
- number - Restricts the input to an integer or floating-point number.
- radiobutton - Restricts the input to a fixed set of choices.
- range - Restricts the input to a specified range.
- tel - Restricts the input to a properly formatted telephone number.
- time - Restricts the input to a time of day.
- week - Restricts the input to a year and week.
- url - Restricts the input to a fully qualified URL.