C# Multidimensional Arrays

In this chapter you will learn:

  1. What are C# Multidimensional Arrays
  2. Declare, create, and initialize the rectangular array
  3. Rectangular arrays
  4. Jagged arrays
  5. How to get array rank for two-dimensional array


Multidimensional arrays come in two varieties: rectangular and jagged.

Rectangular arrays represent an n-dimensional block of memory, and jagged arrays are arrays of arrays.

Rectangular Array                Jagged Array 
1  2  3                          1  2 
4  5  6                          3  4   5  6  7  8 
7  8  9                          9  10  11 


The general form of a multidimensional array declaration:

type[, ...,] name = new type[size1, size2, ..., sizeN];

The following code declares a Two-Dimensional Array.

class MainClass/*from w  w  w  .  ja v a 2s.c  o  m*/
  static void Main()

    int[,] cells = new int[3,3];

The general form of array initialization for a two-dimensional array is shown here:

type[,] array_name = {// w w w.  ja  va2s  .c o  m
    { val, val, val, ..., val },
    { val, val, val, ..., val },
    { val, val, val, ..., val }

The following code shows how to declare and initialize an three-dimensional array.

using System;/*from  w  w  w.  j  a  v  a2  s.  c o  m*/

class MainClass
   static void Main()
      int[,] arr = new int[2, 3] { { 0, 1, 2 }, { 10, 11, 12 } };

      for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++){
         for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++){
            Console.WriteLine(arr[i, j]);         

The code above generates the following result.

Rectangular arrays

Rectangular arrays are declared using commas to separate each dimension.

The following declares a rectangular two-dimensional array, where the dimensions are 3 by 3:

int [,] matrix = new int [3, 3];

The GetLength method of an array returns the length for a given dimension (starting at 0):

for (int i = 0; i < matrix.GetLength(0); i++) {
  for (int j = 0; j < matrix.GetLength(1); j++) {
    matrix [i, j] = i * 3 + j;//from  ww w .  j av  a 2s  .  co  m

A rectangular array can be initialized as follows:

int[,] matrix = new int[,] 
{ /* ww  w. j  a v a 2  s  . co  m*/

Jagged arrays

Jagged arrays are declared using successive square brackets to represent each dimension.

Here is an example of declaring a jagged two-dimensional array, where the outermost dimension is 3:

int [][] jagged = new int [3][];

The inner dimensions aren't specified in the declaration.

Each inner array is implicitly initialized to null rather than an empty array.

Each inner array must be created manually:

int[][] jagged = new int[3][]; 
jagged[0] = new int[2] { 1, 2 }; 
jagged[1] = new int[6] { 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }; 
jagged[2] = new int[3] { 9, 10, 11 };  

A jagged array can be initialized as follows:

int[][] matrix = new int[][] 
{ //from w w w  .j  av  a 2 s .  co  m
  new int[] {0,1,2}, 
  new int[] {3,4,5}, 
  new int[] {6,7,8} 

Example 1

using System;//from  w  ww  .ja v  a 2s .  c  om

class MainClass

  public static void Main()
    int[,,] intArray = new int [10, 5, 3];

    intArray[1, 3, 2] = 3;
    intArray[4, 1, 2] = 9;

    Console.WriteLine("intArray.Rank (number of dimensions) = " + 
    Console.WriteLine("intArray.Length (number of elements) = " + 

    for (int x = 0; x < intArray.GetLength(0); x++){
      for (int y = 0; y < intArray.GetLength(1); y++){
        for (int z = 0; z < intArray.GetLength(2); z++){
          if (intArray[x, y, z] != 0){
            Console.WriteLine("intArray[" + x + ", " + y + ", " + z +"] = " + 
                                            intArray[x, y, z]);



The code above generates the following result.

Next chapter...

What you will learn in the next chapter:

  1. What is C# Array Initialization
  2. How to do C# Array Initialization
  3. Default Element Initialization
  4. Simplified Array Initialization Expressions
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      C# Array
C# Arrays
C# Array Length
C# Array Rank
C# Array Index
C# Multidimensional Arrays
C# Array Initialization
C# Jagged Array
C# Array foreach loop
C# Array ForEach Action