C sizeof operator


We can use sizeof operator to get the number of byte that a type would use to store its variable.


int size = sizeof(type);


int size = sizeof variable;

Example - sizeof operator

#include <stdio.h>
//from  w w  w.j av a2s  .co m
int main()
   char c;           
   short s;         
   int i;       
   long l;         
   float f;        
   double d;         
   long double ld;   
   int array[ 20 ];  /* create array of 20 int elements */
   int *ptr = array; /* create pointer to array */

   printf( "     sizeof c = %d\tsizeof(char)  = %d"   
           "\n     sizeof s = %d\tsizeof(short) = %d"   
           "\n     sizeof i = %d\tsizeof(int) = %d"   
           "\n     sizeof l = %d\tsizeof(long) = %d"   
           "\n     sizeof f = %d\tsizeof(float) = %d"   
           "\n     sizeof d = %d\tsizeof(double) = %d"   
           "\n    sizeof ld = %d\tsizeof(long double) = %d"   
           "\n sizeof array = %d"   
           "\n   sizeof ptr = %d\n",    
          sizeof c, sizeof( char ), sizeof s, sizeof( short ), sizeof i,
          sizeof( int ), sizeof l, sizeof( long ), sizeof f, 
          sizeof( float ), sizeof d, sizeof( double ), sizeof ld, 
          sizeof( long double ), sizeof array, sizeof ptr );  

   return 0; 


The code above generates the following result.

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