Intent Composition
An intent has fours parts:
- name,
- data
- type
- category
In Android, intents usually come in pairs: action and data.
The action describes what is to be performed, such as editing an item, viewing the content of an item, and so on.
The data specifies what is affected, such as a person in the Contacts database.
The data is specified as an Uri object.
Some examples of action are as follows:
Some examples of data include the following:
- tel:+9991231234
- geo:37.999900,-122.999970
- content://contacts
The action and data pair describes the operation to be performed.
For example, to dial a phone number, you would use the pair ACTION_DIAL/tel:+999234567
To display a list of contacts stored in your phone, you use the pair ACTION_VIEW/content://contacts
To pick a contact from the list of contacts, you use the pair ACTION_PICK/content://contacts