Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim commandText As String = _
"WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:03';" & _
"SELECT LastName, FirstName FROM Person.Contact " & _
"WHERE LastName LIKE 'M%'"
RunCommandAsynchronously(commandText, "Data Source=(local);Integrated Security=true;Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks; Asynchronous Processing=true")
Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to continue.")
End Sub
Private Sub RunCommandAsynchronously(ByVal commandText As String, ByVal connectionString As String)
Using connection As New SqlConnection(connectionString)
Dim command As New SqlCommand(commandText, connection)
Dim result As IAsyncResult = command.BeginExecuteReader()
Dim count As Integer
While Not result.IsCompleted
count += 1
Console.WriteLine("Waiting ({0})", count)
End While
Using reader As SqlDataReader = command.EndExecuteReader(result)
End Using
End Using
End Sub
Private Sub DisplayResults(ByVal reader As SqlDataReader)
While reader.Read()
For i As Integer = 0 To reader.FieldCount - 1
Console.Write("{0} ", reader.GetValue(i))
End While
End Sub
End Module
26.12.SqlDataReader |
| 26.12.1. | Start the process of retrieving a data reader asynchronously. |