public class Test
public Shared Sub Main
Dim objWordApp As Word.Application
objWordApp = New Word.Application
Dim objDoc As New Word.Document
'Show the Word application window if checked.
objWordApp.Visible = IIf(chkShowWord.Checked, True, False)
'Create a new Word document and add some text to it.
objDoc = objWordApp.Documents.Add
With objDoc
.Range.InsertAfter("Printing with Word")
.Paragraphs.Item(1).Range.Font.Bold = True
.Paragraphs.Item(1).Range.Font.Size = 14
.Paragraphs.Item(2).Range.Font.Bold = False
.Paragraphs.Item(2).Range.Font.Size = 12
.Range.InsertAfter("This is the first line of the test printout")
.Range.InsertAfter("and this is the second line of the test printout")
'Print the Word document.
.PrintOut(True, True)
Catch exc As Exception
End Try
End With
objWordApp = Nothing
End Sub
End class